EDITABLE Superhero Class Jobs Chart – Class Helper Cards – Classroom Clip Chart


Discover the power of a student job chart to help with classroom management and build a sense of community. With this engaging Superhero class jobs chart responsibility system, students will take ownership in the classroom by having class leadership roles. It’s a great way for you to manage your students’ responsibilities, encourage positive behaviors, motivate your students, and transform your classroom!

There are 96 choices of time-saving student job titles with descriptions. You can use the print-and-go job cards as a clip chart, on library pockets, or add magnetic tape. There are editable templates to customize your own job and change the wording on a current job.

Pages: 290
Format: Zip – PPT, PDF


Discover the power of a student job chart to help with classroom management and build a sense of community. With this engaging Superhero class jobs chart responsibility system, students will take ownership in the classroom by having class leadership roles. It’s a great way for you to manage your students’ responsibilities, encourage positive behaviors, motivate your students, and transform your classroom!

There are 96 editable choices of time-saving student job titles with descriptions. You can use the print-and-go job cards as a clip chart, on library pockets, or add magnetic tape. There are editable templates to customize your own job and change the wording on a current job.

Included in this Superhero Job Chart PDF & Editable PPT resource:
✅ 2 Examples for display
✅ Class Jobs Title, Headers for Bulletin Board (16 Options)
✅ 20 Editable Superhero Themed Comic Burst Job Cards (Black & White and in Color)
✅ 20 Editable Superhero Themed Super Seal Job Cards (Black & White and in Color)
✅ 20 Editable Superhero Themed Comic Burst Job Cards with Descriptions (Black & White and in Color)
✅ 20 Editable Superhero Themed Super Seal Job Cards with Descriptions (Black & White and in Color)
✅ 96 Editable Job Headers Comic Burst Job Cards (Black & White and in Color)
✅ 96 Editable Job Headers Super Seal Job Cards (Black & White and in Color)
✅ 96 Editable Job Headers with Descriptions Comic Burst Job Cards (Black & White and in Color)
✅ 96 Editable Job Headers with Descriptions Super Seal Job Cards (Black & White and in Color)
✅ Blank Job Card Templates
Editable 4 Page Job Header Card Templates (Black & White and in Color)
Editable 4 Page Job Header with Description Card Templates (Black & White and in Color)
Editable 2 Pages of Job Descriptions
✅ Fillable and Editable Job Application (2 Options)
Editable Job Tracker

The pre-written class jobs included are…
→ Line Leader
→ Door Holders
→ Table Wipers
→ Behavior Monitor
→ Attendance Keeper
→ Paper Passer
→ Paper Collector
→ Pledge Leader
→ Lunch Roll Keeper
→ Job Enforcers
→ Hand Sanitizer
→ Pencil Sharpener
→ Alternate
→ Secret Scrap
→ Board Eraser
→ Frog Feeder
→ Errand Runner
→ Classroom Keepers
→ Librarians
→ Store Managers
→ Table Washer
→ Caboose
→ Recycling Ranger
→ Floor Sweeper
→ Light Helper
→ Library Helper
→ Hand Sanitizer
→ Weather
→ Week Off
→ Equipment
→ Board Cleaner
→ Weather Watcher
→ Greeter
→ Goodbye Wisher
→ S.T.A.R Helper
→ Messenger
→ Calendar Helper
→ Kindness Recorder
→ Cleanup Crew
→ Milk Helpers
→ Sink Monitor
→ Soap Patrol
→ Flag Salute
→ Attendance
→ Cubby Inspector
→ Calendar Captain
→ Bell Ringer
→ Center Captain
→ Center Keeper
→ Computer Helper
→ SmartBoard Helper
→ Pencil Pal
→ Trash Monitor
→ Bathroom Monitor
→ Homework Checker
→ Fish Feeder
→ Pet Helper
→ Table Dismisser
→ Gardener
→ Tidy Officer
→ Lunch Count
→ Lunch Chart
→ Schedule
→ News Reporter
→ Snack Helper
→ Girls Bathroom Monitor
→ Boys Bathroom Monitor
→ Telephone Operator
→ Locker Monitor
→ Light Helper
→ Supply Manager
→ Class Custodian
→ Mail Carrier
→ Paper Patrol
→ Teachers Assistant
→ Playground Helper
→ Medical Assistant
→ Absent Work Helper
→ Photographer
→ Hall Monitor
→ Trash Collector
→ Science Assistant
→ Art Assistant
→ Morning Message
→ Weather Watcher
→ Song Helper
→ Floor Tracker
→ First Aid Helper
→ Postmaster
→ Computer Technician
→ Media Specialist
→ Meteorologist
→ Banker
→ Class Tutor
→ Carpenters
→ Materials Manager

The pre-written Superhero Themed class jobs included are…
→ Green Lantern
→ Thor
→ Dr. Strange/Dr. Doom
→ Sentry #1 & #2
→ Captain America
→ Thing
→ Wolverine
→ Magneto
→ Swamp Thing
→ The Incredible Hulks
→ The Flash
→ Storm
→ Mystique
→ The Flash
→ Wonder Woman/Wonder Man
→ Spider-man/Spider-woman
→ Superman/Superwoman
→ Iron Man/Iron Woman
→ Batman & Robin
→ Black Widow & Hawkeye

Clip art and background cannot be edited.
NOTE: Before purchasing, please make sure you have the correct program for this resource. To edit the files, you should use PowerPoint (newer than 2008). If you are trying to use a different program, you may run into various formatting issues that I won’t be able to help you with. Online versions of PowerPoint do not have the same capabilities as the full version of PowerPoint.

Printing Tip: Try printing in color rather than a grey scale or black and white in order for the background images to show up on your printed copy.

Copyright © Sally Hansen – Purposeful Plans.
Permission to copy for single classroom use only.
Please purchase additional licenses if you intend to share this product.


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