3-5 EDITABLE Countries Around The World – Research Project on a Country Report -Digital & Print


Get your students excited about research projects with this fun and engaging Research Project on a Country Report template! Students will create a trifold or float, and write a research paper using rubrics while building their research & writing skills. Students gain and apply skills by completing an in-depth inquiry into a specific topic.

Pages: 80 (Plus Editable PPT/Google Slides)
Format: Zip – 3 PDFs, 4 PPTs, and 3 Google Slides


Get your students excited about research projects with this fun and engaging Research Project on a Country Report template! Students will create a trifold or float, and write a research paper using rubrics while building their research & writing skills. Students gain and apply skills by completing an in-depth inquiry into a specific topic.

Help your students dig deeper into U.S. history and geography with a cross-curricular Research Project on a Country! Everything has been prepared for you! This No PREP project also involves far less paper than worksheets and far less grading. Students can write a 5-paragraph research report, or the graphic organizer can be used in place of the report for differentiated instruction. Choose what you want and then print!

In the Research Project on a Country outline, students will research to learn about the country using 1-6 prompting questions in the following categories:
1. Geography- Location, Size, and Climate
2. Country’s History
3. Culture
4. Economy/Money
5. Government- Political System
6. Population
7. Famous sites/Attractions
*Additional Information
Your Time to Shine!

Editable Research Project on a Country Resource (PDFs, PowerPoints, & Google Slides):
✅ How To Use This Resource (Teacher Notes)
Editable Country Character Representation/Dress-Up/Artifact Rubrics:
Editable Packet Cover (3 Options)
Editable 2 Page Requirements / Directions (with & without CCSS Listed) & Parent Signature Form
✅ Key Word List
✅ Graphic Organizers (5 Options)
✅ Poster (2 Options)
✅ Country Research Graphic Organizer
Editable 5 Page Country Research Outline
Editable Last Outline Page with MLA Works Cited, APA Reference, & CMS Bibliography Examples
✅ Final Copy Publishing Pages
Editable Country Map Directions
Editable Country Flag Directions
✅ Country Internet Homepage
✅ Speech Outline
✅ Peer Evaluations
Editable Country Research Report Rubric/Country Project Rubric
Editable Country Character Representation/Dress-Up/Artifact Rubrics
Editable 3 Alternate Country Rubrics
✅ Student Choice Vote
Editable Speech Sentence Frames
✅ Optional Editable Tri-fold Version Replacement Pages
✅ Optional Editable Float Version Replacement Pages
✅ Optional Editable Differentiated Replacement Pages with 2 page Country Graphic Organizer
✅ Optional Editable Differentiated Optional Tri-fold Version Replacement Pages
✅ Optional Editable Differentiated Optional Float Version Replacement Pages
✅ Blank Checklist Frames
Primary and Secondary Sources PowerPoint: 5 pages of Editable definitions, examples, and a question slide
Teaching Picture Examples: Larger pictures of the country/person representation
Editable Invitations (3 Options)
Editable PPT & Google Slides for Teachers to customize tracker, checklist, directions, Outline, & rubrics
✅ PPT & Google Slides with text boxes for Students to complete organizers, outline, publishing pages, & speech outlines

Clip art and background cannot be edited.

NOTE: Before purchasing, please make sure you have the correct program for this resource. To edit the files, you should use PowerPoint (newer than 2008) or Google Slides. If you are trying to use a different program, you may run into various formatting issues that I won’t be able to help you with. Online versions of PowerPoint do not have the same capabilities as the full version of PowerPoint. If you don’t have access to PowerPoint, check a different computer or consider using the Google Slides version.
*When accessing the Google document in a separate PDF, it will force you to make your own copy on your Google Drive.

Additional resource benefits, classroom ideas, and more information for a Research Project on a Country:
✅ Choose with or without Common Core State Standards on your requirements page.
✅ There are reference choices for MLA, APA, and CMS formats.
✅ There are representation/dress-up/artifact, tri-fold, and float versions as options for this Research Project on a Country.
✅ Great for mixed or leveled classes to give students differentiated instruction.
✅ Student requirements and guidelines are detailed, organized, and completely EDITABLE.
✅ Students know exactly what to research with the Research Project on a Country outline.
✅ Students will write a 5-paragraph research report.
✅ Gives students a choice for their character representation.
✅ Practical and easy-to-understand rubrics for teachers, parents, and students.
✅ Permission slip to inform parents.
✅ Easy scoring on 10 points each category out of 100 points for the rubrics. Or the rubric totals up to 100 points.
✅ Zip folder contains 3 PDFs, 4 PPTs, and 3 Google Slides

⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Megan M. says, “I used this resource as an enrichment activity for my students.  The differentiation made it very accessible for all of them.  They enjoyed learning about different countries!”
⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Buyer says, “This was such a hit with my students!  I like the differentiation.  with the resource. I was able to choose the requirements for my students this year. Next year I will be able to choose something different for that group of students if needed. Thank you!”

Supports Common Core Standards (CCSS):
✓ Writing:
ELA-LITERACY.W.2.2, W.2.7, W.2.8, W.3.2, W.3.7, W.3.8, W.4.2, W.4.7, W.4.8, W.5.2, W.5.7, W.5.8.
✓ Speaking & Listening:
ELA-LITERACY.SL.3.4, W.3.5, SL.3.6, SL.4.4, W.4.5, SL.4.6, SL.5.4, W.5.5, SL.5.6.


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