EDITABLE Parent Reminder Bracelet Note Set – Reminder Bands – Digital & Print Student Message Wristbands


Are you struggling to communicate with parents? Look no further! These positive EDITABLE reminder bracelet bands are perfect to send home for elementary students. You can use these awesome wristbands throughout the school year to remind students and parents of upcoming events and notices. Since these remember bracelets are editable, you can put dates on them and use them as time-saving quick reminder notes. These reminder bands are easy to prepare and will save on paper too! You can hand out the bands at the end of the day.

Pages: 59 + Digital Version
Format: Zip – PPT, PDF, Google Slides


Are you struggling to communicate with parents? Look no further! These positive EDITABLE reminder bracelet bands are perfect to send home for elementary students. You can use these awesome wristbands throughout the school year to remind students and parents of upcoming events and notices. Since these remember bracelets are editable, you can put dates on them and use them as time-saving quick reminder notes. These reminder bands are easy to prepare and will save on paper too! You can hand out the bands at the end of the day.

Here’s what you’ll get in this EDITABLE resource:
✅ 1 PDF & 1 Editable PPT
✅ 58 Customizable and Printable award bracelets
✅ 1 Blank Editable Brag Bracelet Template (4 versions) to add your own background image

About this resource:
✅ 8 bracelets on each page
✅ Black & white and color versions
✅ Reusable during the school year

Prep is quick and easy. Use them throughout the school year to send reminders home. You can put these on students’ wrists (using a glue stick, staple, or tape), put it on your students’ backpacks, or glue it in your students’ planners. You can use these for conference reminders or as a kindergarten graduation bracelet!

Since students wear these charms home, parents will get to see the reminder. It’s a quick way to get parents to keep up with notices and is great for parents who don’t always check their child’s backpack. These slips can open or improve communication between you and your parents to set the tone for a productive school year!

Message on the Reminder Bracelets:
Event and Special Notice Reminders:
✓ We have a field trip tomorrow!
✓ Field trip permission slip due tomorrow!
✓ Field trip volunteer sign-up is ready!
✓ Field trip money due tomorrow!
✓ Picture day is tomorrow! (2 Choices – Try the FREEBIE)
✓ Graduation day is tomorrow! (2 Choices)
✓ Wear gym shoes tomorrow!
✓ Early Out Tomorrow
✓ Early Release Tomorrow
✓ Minimum Day Tomorrow
✓ Late Start Tomorrow
✓ Bring sack lunch tomorrow.
✓ No hot lunch tomorrow.
✓ Last day of school tomorrow! (Try the FREEBIE)
✓ Class party tomorrow!
✓ Class party money due by _____.
✓ Please send in _____. (Supplies)
✓ Library books due tomorrow.
✓ Please return your library book.
✓ Check backpack for _____.
✓ No homework tonight!
✓ Pajama day tomorrow!
✓ Crazy hair day tomorrow!
✓ Crazy sock day tomorrow!
✓ Wear a hat day tomorrow!
✓ Game day tomorrow!
✓ Tomorrow is the 100th day of school! Wear ____.
✓ Tomorrow is the 100th day of school! Bring ____.
✓ I’m 100 Days Smarter! (Try the FREEBIE)

Academic Reminders:
✓ Your conference is at _____ on ______.
✓ Parent Teacher Conference sign-ups are available!
✓ Report Cards went home today!
✓ Science Fair tomorrow!
✓ Test tomorrow!
✓ There will be a test in ____ (math, spelling, etc.) tomorrow!
✓ Project DUE tomorrow!
✓ Guided reading book due back to teacher.
✓ IEP meeting tomorrow.
✓ Awards Ceremony tomorrow!

Back to School:
✓ Registration paperwork is due.
✓ Back to school forms due by_____.

Using the background images from the Editable Welcome Back to School
Night/Open House/Meet The Teacher PowerPoint:
✓ Back to School Night is tonight!
✓ Meet the Teacher Night is tonight!
✓ Open House is tonight!
✓ Curriculum Night is tonight!
✓ Parent Information Night is tonight!
✓ Welcome Back!

School/PTA/PTO Notices:
✓ PTA meeting tonight.
✓ PTO meeting tonight.
✓ Box Tops week!
✓ School Spirit Day is tomorrow!
✓ Spirit Week: Mon___ Tues___ Wed___ Thurs___ Fri____.
✓ Red Ribbon Week starts Monday!
✓ Red Ribbon Week : Mon___ Tues___ Wed___ Thurs___ Fri____.
✓ Book Fair next week!
✓ Book Fair this week!
✓ Ask Me About _____________
✓ Don’t forget _______

How to use:
Using a glue stick, staple, or tape, put this resource on students’ wrists, put it on your students’ backpacks, or put it in your students’ planner or take home folder. You can also punch a hole through it and give each child a ring to keep them like charms.

Printing Tip: Try printing in color rather than a greyscale or black and white in order for the background images to show up on your printed copy.

❀Visit Students are Busy as Bees earning Brag Bracelets on my website for more information on how to implement Brag Bracelets in your classroom❀

Clip art and background cannot be edited.
NOTE: Before purchasing, please make sure you have the correct program for this resource. To edit the files, you should use PowerPoint (newer than 2008). If you are trying to use a different program, you may run into various formatting issues that I won’t be able to help you with. Online versions of PowerPoint do not have the same capabilities as the full version of PowerPoint.


Copyright © Sally Hansen – Purposeful Plans.
Permission to copy for single classroom use only.
Please purchase additional licenses if you intend to share this product.


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