Editable Holiday Narrative Christmas Writing Prompts – December Topper Craft


Ready to get your students engaged with these winter writing pages this holiday season? There are 11 printable and fillable narrative Christmas writing prompt templates, graphic organizers, and a rubric to choose from that you can display on your bulletin board! These easy-to-use pages allow for students to draw in a face on the picture. This substitute-friendly holiday activity has options to meet the needs of your class.

Pages: 110 (Plus Fillable PDF & Editable PPT Template)
Format: Zip – Editable PPT, Fillable PDF, PDF


Ready to get your students engaged with these winter writing pages this holiday season? There are 11 printable and fillable narrative Christmas writing prompt templates, graphic organizers, and a rubric to choose from that you can display on your bulletin board! These easy-to-use pages allow for students to draw in a face on the picture. This substitute-friendly holiday activity has options to meet the needs of your class.

Included in this Christmas writing prompt Resource (PDF & Editable PPT):
✅ How I UseThis Resource
✅ Brainstorming Webs
✅ 2 Narrative Graphic Organizers
✅ 1 Narrative Rubric
Fillable writing Pages & Graphic organizers

❄️ Holiday / Christmas Writing Prompts:

  1. If I lived in a snow globe…
  2. If I led Santa’s sleigh…
  3. If I were a Christmas tree…
  4. If I were an ornament…
  5. If I were a snowman…
  6. If I were an elf…
  7. If I were a reindeer…
  8. If I were a gingerbread man…
  9. If I were Mrs. Claus…
  10. If I were Santa and got stuck…
  11. If I made one wish, it would be…(students draw their own image)

With Black and White Picture (draw in your face)
✅ Primary Grades Writing Prompts on Lined Paper (K-2)
✅ Upper Elementary Grades Writing Prompts on Lined Paper (3-6)
With Picture in Color (draw in your face)
✅ Primary Grades Writing Prompts on Lined Paper (K-2)
✅ Upper Elementary Grades Writing Prompts on Lined Paper (3-6)
Blank (Create Your Own Picture)
✅ Primary Grades Writing Prompts on Lined Paper (K-2)
✅ Upper Elementary Grades Writing Prompts on Lined Paper (3-6)
✅ Blank Paper
✅ Full Page Lined Paper (for backside)
Extras with Faces in Black and White Picture
Extras with Faces in Color
✅ Zip folder contains 1 PDF, 1 Editable PPT, & 1 Fillable PDF

Ways to have your students write their Christmas writing prompt:
❄️ If you prefer your students to write in their journals, you can use the display page with all of the prompts.
❄️ For a class that requires more scaffolding I have the brainstorming web on one side and the journal prompt with space for a picture and the story on the other side.
❄️ For classes that love to write, the journal prompt with space for a picture and the story on one side and the full page of writing space on the other side.
❄️ Students can draw their picture after the story has been written!

Clip art and background cannot be edited.
NOTE: Before purchasing, please make sure you have the correct program for this resource. To edit the files, you should use PowerPoint (newer than 2008) or Google Slides. If you are trying to use a different program, you may run into various formatting issues that I won’t be able to help you with. Online versions of PowerPoint do not have the same capabilities as the full version of PowerPoint. If you don’t have access to PowerPoint, check a different computer or consider using the Google Slides version.


Copyright © Sally Hansen – Purposeful Plans.
Permission to copy for single classroom use only.
Please purchase additional licenses if you intend to share this product.


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