EDITABLE Argumentative Writing Rubrics, Self Editing, & Graphic Organizer Templates


Are you looking for an easy way to grade your students’ essays? Look no further! These EDITABLE argumentative writing rubrics, self-assessment checklists, outlines, & graphic organizer templates are made for scaffolding the requirements as students develop their writing skills. This standards-aligned resource includes 6 print-and-go writing rubrics with coordinating student self-reflections, outlines, and graphic organizer templates that are already planned and prepped for you.

Pages: 80
Format: Zip – PDF, PPT, Google Slides


Are you looking for an easy way to grade your students’ essays? Look no further! These EDITABLE argumentative writing rubrics, self-assessment checklists, outlines, & graphic organizer templates are made for scaffolding the requirements as students develop their writing skills. This standards-aligned resource includes 6 print-and-go writing rubrics with coordinating student self-reflections, outlines, and graphic organizer templates that are already planned and prepped for you.

Teachers will be able to easily grade essays using these reusable quality rubrics that have differentiated levels for 5, 7, & 9 paragraph writing assignments so that you can reach every learner in your class. Facilitate learning during the prewriting phase by using the structured outlines and graphic organizer templates with differentiated levels for 5, 7, & 9-paragraph papers. Guide your students during the editing phase by using the organized self-evaluations with differentiated levels for 5, 7, & 9-paragraph essays.

✏️ Here’s what you’ll get (PDF & Editable PPT/Google Slides):
Rubrics for the 5, 7, & 9 Paragraph (With and Without CCSS Listed):

  • Basic Rubric 1 – Without Extra Credit
  • Basic Rubric 2 – With Extra Credit
  • Basic Rubric 3 – With Extra Credit & Parent Signature
  • Advanced Rubric 4 – Without Extra Credit
  • Advanced Rubric 5 – With Parent Signature

2 student self-assessments (basic & advanced) with extra credit options of the 5, 7, & 9 paragraphs (with and without CCSS Listed). In all, there are 5 pages for each of the 3 differentiated paragraph levels.
4 outlines and graphic organizers each of the 5, 7, & 9 paragraphs.
✓ 1 Key Word List
✓ 2 Brainstorming Webs
✓ 1 Cause & Effect Organizer
✓ 1 Definitions Organizer
✓ 1 Compare & Contrast Graphic Organizer
✓ 1 Compare/Contrast Poster
✓ How I Use This Resource (Teaching Notes)

Using the graphic organizers and self-editing forms, your students will understand the requirements of an argumentative essay. When using the rubrics, teachers will be able to easily grade the students’ essays. Here’s what your students will be able to identify in detail using this resource:

Introduction paragraph

  • Hook
  • Claim
  • Evidence

Body of each paragraph

  • Supporting claims and Counterclaim order
  • Reasons and Elaboration

Conclusion paragraph

  • Restate claim
  • Knockout

Teachers can use this resource all school year long while your students build confidence in their writing skills. There are 15 easy-to-use rubrics in all with the extra credit variation. Excellent for mixed or leveled classes to give students individualized instruction. Rubrics are created with variations to meet your classroom’s needs. Practical and easy to understand. Using the blank graphic organizers, outlines, and self-editing checklists, students will know what is expected of them and they will have opportunities to reflect on their work.

As options, the teacher rubric can be printed on one side, while student self-assessment is on the other side when printed. Also, can print the rubrics front and back to save on paper (cut it in half.) Additionally, there is easy scoring on a 10 or 5 points for each category out of 100 points.

Clip art and background cannot be edited.
NOTE: Before purchasing, please make sure you have the correct program for this resource. To edit the files, you should use PowerPoint (newer than 2008) or Google Slides. If you are trying to use a different program, you may run into various formatting issues that I won’t be able to help you with. Online versions of PowerPoint do not have the same capabilities as the full version of PowerPoint. If you don’t have access to PowerPoint, check a different computer or consider using the Google Slides version.

Supports Common Core Standards (CCSS):

  • Rubric 1: CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.W.6-8.2.A, W.6-8.2.B, W.6-8.2.E, W.6-8.2.F, W.6-8.4
  • Rubric 2-5: CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.W.6-8.2, W.6-8.4
  • Add CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.W.6-12.6 by having students research the Internet and type up the essay to implement technology for a cross-curricular assignment.
  • Add CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.W.6-12.7 & W.6-12.8 by having students conduct a research project by assigning a prompt. Have them gather relevant information through printed or digital sources. Be sure to have them add a bibliography.


Copyright © Sally Hansen – Purposeful Plans.
Permission to copy for single classroom use only.
Please purchase additional licenses if you intend to share this product.


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