EDITABLE City, State, & Country Travel Brochures Research Project Templates


Get your students excited about social studies research projects with these fun, engaging, and editable travel brochures, rubrics, & checklists templates! There are time-saving trifold research travel brochures, rubrics, & checklists templates available to customize. Students will build research & writing skills by working to create an easy-to-use city, state, country, or continent travel brochure.

Pages: 68
Format: Zip – 3 PPTs & 2 PDFs


Get your students excited about social studies research projects with these fun, engaging, and editable travel brochures, rubrics, & checklist templates! There are time-saving trifold research travel brochures, rubrics, & checklist templates available to customize. Students will build research & writing skills by working to create an easy-to-use city, state, country, or continent travel brochure. There is a customizable checklist (self-eval & peer edit) and rubric for each of the editable city (capitals), state, country, & continent research travel brochure templates.

Have your students gain real-world connections by using the digital and printable research guide before creating their travel brochure. Students can also build speaking and listening skills by using the peer evaluation form, speech outline, and keyword list for the presentation option. The print-and-go graphic organizers, postcards, website homepage drawings, and more can be added to enhance the project or for differentiated instruction.

Included in this PPT & PDF resource:
✅ How To Use This Resource
✅ Directions
Editable City Checklist, Brochure, & Rubric
Editable State Checklist, Brochure, & Rubric
Editable Country Checklist, Brochure, & Rubric
Editable Continent Checklist, Brochure, & Rubric
Editable Template Checklist, Brochure, & Rubric
✅ Postcards (12 choices)
Editable Speech Bubble Brochures
✅ Internet Homepage
Editable Speech Outline
Editable Peer Evaluations
Editable Alternate Rubric
✅ Key Word List for presentation
✅ Graphic Organizers
✅ Terms of Use
✅ Graphics and Fonts Credit
Primary and Secondary Sources PowerPoint
✅ 5 pages of Editable definitions, examples, and a question slide

Clip art and backgrounds cannot be edited.
NOTE: Before purchasing, please make sure you have the correct program for this resource. To edit the files, you should use PowerPoint (newer than 2008). If you are trying to use a different program, you may run into various formatting issues that I won’t be able to help you with. Online versions of PowerPoint do not have the same capabilities as the full version of PowerPoint.

Additional resource benefits, classroom ideas, and more information:
✅ Great for mixed or leveled classes to give students differentiated instruction.
✅ Enrichment activity for students.
✅ Requirements and guidelines are detailed and organized.
✅ Students know exactly what to research with the research guide / outline.
✅ Self & Peer editing checklist is perfect for centers.
✅ Structured rubrics with easy scoring.
✅ Practical and easy to understand rubrics for teachers, parents, and students.
✅ Zip folder contains 2 PDFs & 3 PPTs.


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