• The Power of a Classroom Management Plan

    The Power of a Classroom Management Plan - Students putting their thumbs up.

    A well-designed classroom management plan is essential for maintaining an effective learning environment. It provides a structured framework for teachers to establish rules, expectations, and consequences, ensuring smooth classroom operations. A well-structured classroom management plan also helps foster a positive and respectful atmosphere, encouraging students to take ownership of their learning and build strong relationships […]

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  • A How-To Guide to Create an Acrostic Poem

    A How-To Guide to Create an Acrostic Poem - a teacher explaining an acrostic poem to students.

    Acrostic poems are a creative form of writing that involves using the initial letters of a word or phrase to form a vertical line of meaningful text. This how-to guide will provide you with step-by-step instructions on how to create your acrostic poem. It will help your students unlock their creativity and craft beautiful poems. […]

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  • Brag on Your Students Using Positive Bracelets

    Brag on Your Students Using Positive Bracelets - brag bracelets stacked on each other.

    Introducing the Positive Bracelets to Students Modeling is a great technique when teaching expectations for the brag bracelets. I act out the behavior I do not want in my classroom first, then show the behavior I want to see from my students. I usually have my students role-play for the class. Be prepared for lots […]

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  • 4 Reasons to Use Reminder Bands for Parent Notes

    Image of Reminder Bands for Parent Notes that read "Picture Day," "Library Books due," and "Graduation Day is Tomorrow."

    It’s the end of the school day and students are just 30 minutes away from being dismissed. You just remembered you needed to send home a reminder note for parents. There are many questions you ask yourself to solve this problem. Reminder bands can solve this problem and can be used to send out notes […]

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  • Classroom Jobs are Essential for Your Classroom Economy

    Classroom Jobs are Essential for Your Classroom Economy - Teacher looking accomplished in front of her students.

      A Classroom Economy Can Have Classroom Jobs Classroom Jobs are an integral part of the classroom economy! Why do all the work yourself when students want to help in a classroom? Implementing classroom jobs will help students become responsible and take ownership of the classroom. Find tasks in your classroom that you already do that […]

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