I have been using brag bracelets for over a decade. I first created them to give my birthday students something to wear as a way to feel special the entire day. I used to have a certificate waiting for the birthday student on their desk. Now, I have the brag bracelet waiting for them signaling others to know it’s their birthday too. Then I created them for my firsties as a quick way to send the students home with a reward for having role models, outstanding, or good behavior according to the clip chart. It was a hit with my firsties!
While I was editing and creating more brag bracelets last summer, I sent my son’s middle school friends home with the different brag bracelets for good behavior in my home. And it was also a hit with them! Last year, I gave the birthday and whole brain learning bracelets to my 4th-grade students. They couldn’t wait to get them either!
Why Use Brag Bracelets?
Brag bracelets provide a fast and easy form of positive reinforcement for students’ behavior and academic effort in school. This immediate award is a positive boost reminding students of their worth. You can use them throughout the school year to encourage students to apply their best work ethic while boosting self-esteem. Since students wear these charms at home, parents will see firsthand the award(s) their child has earned.
Brag bracelets help manage your classroom, but you can use them with other behavior management systems too! I encourage it! There should always be a second or third way to manage behavior. One way won’t work for EVERY student. When I taught first grade, I had the behavior clip chart. This year in 4th grade, I’m using Whole Brain Learning and Growth Mindset. Before the bracelets, I used a classroom economy to earn privilege coupons or a prize from the prize box. I’ve always had more than one classroom management system active in my class. This way, you don’t overuse one system while students continue responding to your management strategy as you first introduced it.
Since students wear these charms at home, parents will see the award or reminder. It’s a simple way for you to inform parents of notices or how their child is doing while fostering strong relationships. It’s great for parents who don’t always check their child’s backpack! These slips can open and improve communication between you and your parents while setting the tone for a productive school year!
Brag bracelets can be less expensive than brag tags. There are no chains or display bins needed. Also, there is no need to spend money on your treasure box because students are happy to collect these or show them off! However, if you want to have a treasure box or give out coupons, you can certainly customize it to fit your style. There are many other classroom management tools that you can use in your classroom.
Purposeful Brag Bracelets
In my EDITABLE Positive behavior, Educational, and Reminder Brag Bracelet sets, they will help get your students excited about learning and promote positive behavior in the classroom. Positive Incentive Behavior Brag Bracelets for Students reinforces good behavior. The Educational Positive Affirmations Brag Bracelets by Subject highlight student achievements in academic work and progress. Since Parent Reminder Note Bracelet Set are editable, you can put dates on them and use them as quick notes!
There are both an ink-friendly and a color version. Reminder slips are easy to prepare and will save on paper by not printing on full or half sheets of paper. Print them on red or brightly colored paper. If you like the background of another bracelet and would like it in place of a bracelet, create a duplicate slide with the background you like, delete the text, and copy/paste the text and rectangle box of your choice. It’s imperative to plan out and organize the variety of printable wristbands so that you can quickly give students the brag bracelets they’ve earned.
It’s important to introduce and set the ground rules for the positive bracelets. This will encourage students to work hard and make good choices to earn the brag bracelets. Overall, when students have to earn the brag bracelets, students are motivated to work hard and make good choices.
I absolutely love your brag tag idea. I bet the students feel so good about themselves when they get one. Awesome for growth mindset.
I am so impressed. This is a brilliant positive behavior management tool and you have carefully explained how to manage the system. Thank you Purposeful Plans!
What an easy way to remind yourself to offer positive comments and for student to share their success with families. I bet the bracelets spark dinner table conversation.
I’m sure kids LOVE getting a brag bracelet & their families must look forward to their child coming home with one.
I love this idea because it not only boosts your students but serves as a talking point with their parents when they go home for the day. Plus…it fosters a stronger teacher-student connection.
What a cute idea. They’re so cute.
Wonderful idea! Versatile, creative, easy to use. I’m sure the kids love these!
I love these brag bracelets! What a great idea, I think I will be using these with my students this year!