4 Classroom Management Tools that Give an Advantage - Brag Bracelets that go with clip charts put together and in a binder.

There are easy-to-use classroom management tools that are a powerful way to positively promote and manage student behavior in the classroom. Having a solid classroom management plan in place by the first day of school will help pave the way to a positive classroom environment.

Classroom management must be under control before learning can take place. You can have the best idea for a lesson, but without successful classroom management tools, it will more than likely flop. A well-managed classroom is more productive and will keep you from getting frazzled later on in the school year.

During the first few weeks of school, you are teaching your students your expectations. A great way to teach procedures is through modeling. Make sure you are implementing positive expectations to set the tone of your classroom. There must be consistency with everything from your routines to praises so that students know what is expected of them. You want the procedures and expectations to become predictable. This will promote a comfortable and productive learning environment for your students.

Behavior Clip Charts for Classroom Management Tools

Classroom Management - clip chart image

behavior clip chart is a fantastic way to positively promote and manage student behavior in the classroom. The behavior chart can be used to help you reinforce positive behavior with your students. When a student goes above and beyond in their behavior choices, they should be moved up. Be sure to use specific compliments when moving a student up the clip chart. You’ll want to talk in a firm, but calm voice and with a smile. There’s no need to whisper when pointing out excellent behavior; make sure the other students hear you. When the class sees the positive reinforcement for other students, it helps many students make better choices. When you clip down a student, you do not have to speak loudly or shout. I quietly tell a student to clip down. I use body language as a way to let students know if they are on the right track to be clipped back up or if I want to give a warning. A simple nod or raise of the eyebrows will do wonders.
At the end of the day, students can go home with matching brag bracelets. Brag bracelets provide a fast and easy form of positive reinforcement for students’ behavior and academic effort in school. This immediate award is a positive boost reminding students of their worth.

Individual Student Behavior Tracker for Classroom Management Tools

Classroom Management - student behavior forms

Sometimes inefficient classroom management causes confusion which can trigger bad behavior. If the circumstance allows, I will ignore the bad behavior and only bring attention to the positive behavior in my classroom. However, some students may need to be moved down. There are other times when a student needs an individual behavior tracker

You’ll want a tracker that has the student set behavior or task goals each day. Rather than focusing on the bad behavior, focus on no more than 5 things the student can do to improve. I recommend meeting with the school counselor and/or parents to be involved when implementing a student behavior tracker. They may have additional ideas and you will want parents to be on board with a tracker.

Using Behavior Calendars for Classroom Management Tools​

The behavior calendar provides daily behavior documentation and opens communication with parents. I have my students color in the behavior earned for the day in the square at the end of the day. Award certificates or bracelets are great ways to encourage students to keep making good choices. Since this goes home, it can reinforce the positivity in your classroom from parents.

There are EDITABLE behavior clip charts with 7 background choices, parent letters, behavior calendars, awards, parent contact form, behavior tracker, parent communicator, individual tracker, and behavior notebook!

Reward Coupons for Classroom Management Tools

Engaging reward coupons is a great way to encourage positive behaviors, motivate your students, and transform your classroom! Another benefit is that once you buy them, you don’t need to keep purchasing the prizes with your own money. Offer these privileges and rewards to promote positive behavior in the classroom from your students. These reward coupons can be used for the entire class or individual students.

Overall, you will not want to waste any time in your classroom during the school year. Here are some strategies for attention getters. After all, you must have your students’ attention in order to explain these classroom management tools. By using these classroom management tools and other classroom management strategies, it will help you in the long run!

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4 Classroom Management Tools that Give an Advantage - Brag Bracelets that go with clip charts put together and in a binder.

